Rock Star Alert.

11 09 2008

This slideshow speaks for itself.  Kelly added the make up artist/hairstylist extraordinaire Melissa – and the results are amazing.

Go Kelly!

Click the image to see the slideshow…

The shoes. They are important for senior pictures.

10 09 2008

If you’ve worked with me you know that in my detail I ask you NOT to wear big white chunky sneakers.  Bleh.  They glow in images and not in a good way.

Gregory is someone who not only gets it — but takes his shoe wearing to the next level.  EVERY outfit he had also had coordinating super cool shoes.  Totally cool.

We got some fun stuff — I can’t WAIT to show Gregory and hear him say — “that’s cool”…

because he will.

BEST Friends…Forever.

8 09 2008

So I got a chance to meet and photograph the lovely Kate and her best friend…the lovely…um…Kate.

Kate Squared? ::grin::

Since second grade when a teacher introduced them because they “had the same name” — these two have maintained a fun, silly and endearing friendship. They were SO nervous about getting their pictures taken — but…as the shoot progressed and they got more comfortable — silliness ensued!

I won’t say more than that (right now) because this is only a “sneak peek” post — but stay tuned! We got some GREAT pictures!

Thanks you two for a super FUN photoshoot!

Check out this “cool super cool oh how I love it” slideshow

29 08 2008

Click the image…

location location location. Choosing the Right Spots for Senior Pictures.

28 08 2008

So.  What I mostly believe is that location is not particularly important.  That sounds completely wrong, right?  (wrong right?  hahahaha)

The truth of the matter is — the color, the texture and how you FEEL are all the right combination to make your pictures sing.

Most seniors I photograph don’t know where they want their pictures taken.  They know they want something completely unique.  They know they want to LOVE the images.  And they usually leave everything up to me.

Which makes it easier for me frankly, because I can just shoot where I’m comfortable and where I know the light and textures — and I know you will like the images.

Once in a while, though, I photograph a senior in some of their own places.  Chelsea (another of my gorgeous 2009 models) chose this time.  We went to the place she loves — her school.  I found myself in an unknown spot and looking at it from Chelsea’s eyes.  It was fun.

The one thing I really did notice — was how happy she was in her spot.  Location does matter if it’s a place that hold memories for you.  If it’s somewhere significant.  If when you get there – you become yourself.

That’s something to think about.

These are Chelsea’s sneak peek in a couple of her favorite spots:

Have an Edge. How to be unique in photographs.

26 08 2008

I get a lot of calls and emails from 2009 seniors or their parents.

Tam, we’re looking for something different.”

I hear that a lot and I LOVE that they think I might fit their photography needs.  That makes me feel great.

The truth of the matter is that “different” and “unique” — have as much to do with YOU as it does your chosen photographer.

What you bring with you for props (remember that article I wrote?), what you wear, your PERSONALITY — all contribute to how “different” your pictures turn out.

You have to work at it as much as I do.  But together…it’s magic.  I know I use that word a lot — but I really feel that is what happens — when it all clicks together and the photographs become amazing.

Take Bronson.  Now.  Bronson is one of my 2009 Senior Models this year (and rightly so, don’t you think?) — so I had the pleasure of photographing him for a second time this week — and what was really cool was the difference between the first and second shoot.  There was a LOT more things about Bronson this time — who he is…what he likes…all defined in photographs.

Plus — he knows how dorky I am so he was prepared this time.  ::laughing::

Here’s your sneak peek B — I LOVE how edgy this is.  Can’t wait to show you the rest!

If you have sent me an email and haven’t yet heard from me…

25 08 2008

I haven’t received it.  Sorry about that — I’m having some server issues — so email me DIRECTLY at

I did check the email and it seems to be working — but I have heard that some emails are disappearing.  NICE.

You can call me too at 585.797.3384.


Smiling. Are you for it or against it?

25 08 2008

I’m just kidding.

Sometimes I really really like serious faces — it allows the viewer to really see YOU — as you are.

Sometimes I really really like cracking up laughing faces — because your happiness just oozes out of the picture (I know that sounds gross, but you get me, right?).

Both things make me happy.

Emily has both. She has a KILLER smile. And when she was serious? Beautiful.

She wasn’t all that into hanging out with me for photographs — but you know what? By the end — she was PERFECT. It does take a while to get used to me and how I operate — I’m very much into talking and asking you to try different poses – and Emily wasn’t too sure about how it was all going to work out. I knew though. I knew she would photograph amazingly.

So with this sneak peek photograph as proof — she doesn’t have one single THING to worry about. Her photographs are BEAUTIFUL and I can’t wait to share them. (Plus her mom was KILLER at being my flash assistant. Awesome!)

Thanks to you both for making this work — E — you are going to LOVE these!

Seriously. She is THIS beautiful.

24 08 2008

Anna’s sneak peek.

This girls sweetness just blew me away — I LOVED our session!  Great pictures and Anna was totally prepared for the session.  It just goes to show how being prepared for a photography session is incredibly important.  Anna had every outfit chosen, with jewelry, shoes and accessories — and it made her session run really smoothly and she looked amazing.

Anna here is just one.  I can’t wait to show you and your parents the rest!


21 08 2008

I love laughing pictures.  They are so genuine and beautiful.