Senior Model Reps 2010 | Rochester NY Senior Photographer

29 12 2008

So — I have officially announced my Senior Model Rep program for 2010!

(Hint:  it’s over at

If you are a Junior and interested in representing Tammy Swales Seniors to your friends and classmates — here’s your chance to get SUPER COOL, FRESH, FUNKY, DIFFERENT, FASHION MAGAZINE-STYLED pictures for your own…

What are you waiting for?  Head over to my new site.  Friend me on Facebook.  Send me a message telling me WHY you would be a good rep for me.  I want reps who are going to be fun and HAVE fun — so if this is you and you like my work — let’s talk!

But hurry.  I only have a few spaces open and I want YOU to have one of them!

PS — Still not convinced?  Here’s a slideshow of one of my cool sessions:  Click Here!

Come on over! | Rochester NY Senior Photographer

9 12 2008

So yeah.  Everything I’m doing now is going to be living at (on January 1st!  Woo!)   and my most recent work is being shown on my new blog —!

What are you waiting for?!  Bookmark it ASAP because I am going to post soon about some exciting things for my 2009 Senior Model Reps — is that going to be you?  I am so excited for this year I can barely stand it!
