Senior Model Reps 2010 | Rochester NY Senior Photographer

29 12 2008

So — I have officially announced my Senior Model Rep program for 2010!

(Hint:  it’s over at

If you are a Junior and interested in representing Tammy Swales Seniors to your friends and classmates — here’s your chance to get SUPER COOL, FRESH, FUNKY, DIFFERENT, FASHION MAGAZINE-STYLED pictures for your own…

What are you waiting for?  Head over to my new site.  Friend me on Facebook.  Send me a message telling me WHY you would be a good rep for me.  I want reps who are going to be fun and HAVE fun — so if this is you and you like my work — let’s talk!

But hurry.  I only have a few spaces open and I want YOU to have one of them!

PS — Still not convinced?  Here’s a slideshow of one of my cool sessions:  Click Here!